Well, well, well. . .⁣⁣

The 1st sale on Zazzle and it happens to be these bad boys. 🤣⁣⁣

Come and get them while they’re hot. Plenty are available. 🌭📢⁣⁣⁣

Fun and unique temporary tattoos, available for you, in my Zazzle shop. . .⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

Stubby Lil Weenie Temporary Tattoos⁣⁣⁣

Confidence and style, all in mini form.⁣⁣⁣

Calorie and guilt free. 🌭⁣⁣⁣


Stubby Lil Weenie Temporary Tattoos by someartworker on Zazzle

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Come and get them while they’re hot. 🌭📢

Fun and unique temporary tattoos, available for you, in my Zazzle shop. . .⁣⁣

Stubby Lil Weenie Temporary Tattoos

Confidence and style, all in mini form.

Calorie and guilt free. 🌭


Stubby Lil Weenie Temporary Tattoos by someartworker on Zazzle

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Put a little ice cream on your bod. . .

Temporary tattoos are now available on Zazzle.

Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles🍦🍧🍨🍫🥄

An illustration made from my photography. Mmmm. Thinking of warm thoughts. A scoop of dark chocolate ice cream topped with rainbow sprinkles. A local farmers market favorite from a local business. They agreed that sprinkles make everything better.😋😋


Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles Temporary Tattoos by someartworker on Zazzle
Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles Temporary Tattoos by someartworker on Zazzle

Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles Temporary Tattoos by someartworker on Zazzle

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