Psst. July is National Ice Cream Month.⁣⁣⁣⁣ 😋⁣

One of the most popular frozen treats is featured in my photography/art. . .

A variety of ice cream themed items are available in all of my shops; EtsyThreadlessTeePublicRedbubbleDesign by Humans, Merch By AmazonZazzle, Art of Where and NeatoShop.

Cute and calorie free.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

From my original photography.⁣

Mmmm. Thinking of warm thoughts. A scoop of dark chocolate ice cream topped with rainbow sprinkles. A local farmers market favorite from a local business. They agreed that sprinkles make everything better.😋😋⁣⁣🍦🍧🍨🍫

👉🏾 👌🏾⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Zazzle by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Zazzle by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Etsy by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Etsy by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Design by Humans by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Design by Humans by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Teepublic by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Teepublic by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Redbubble by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Redbubble by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Threadless by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Threadless by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles shop varieties by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles shop varieties by someartworker

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Guess what❓⁣⁣

Tomorrow is Ice Cream For Breakfast DayNational Day Calendar.⁣⁣

So, lookie what I have for you. . .🤫⁣⁣⁣

A variety of ice cream themed items are available in all of my shops; EtsyThreadlessTeePublicRedbubbleDesign by Humans, Merch By AmazonZazzle, and Art of Where.⁣⁣⁣

Cute and calorie free.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

An illustration made from my photography. Mmmm. Thinking of warm thoughts. A scoop of dark chocolate ice cream topped with rainbow sprinkles. A local farmers market favorite from a local business. They agreed that sprinkles make everything better.😋😋⁣⁣🍦🍧🍨🍫

👉🏾 👌🏾⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Zazzle by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Zazzle by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Etsy by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Etsy by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Design by Humans by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Design by Humans by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Teepublic by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Teepublic by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Merch by Amazon by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Merch by Amazon by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Redbubble by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Redbubble by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Threadless by someartworker

Warm Thoughts Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles on Threadless by someartworker

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Undies, undies, undies at Art of Where. . .⁣

Undies, undies, undies. . .⁣

Go big or go home? Yes.⁣

Cupcakes, cookies, and bones.⁣

Christmas Cupcakes with Sprinkles, Christmas Cookies with Sugar Sprinkles and the Caldron of Bones at the moment. . . 🎅🏾🤶🏾🎄🌬️❄️🎄🎁⁣💀☠️⁣
Illustrations made from my photography. ⁣

A photo taken on Christmas Day, after baking some tasty cookies. ⁣

A photo taken during Christmas time, after baking some tasty cupcakes. They look almost good enough to eat. 😋😋⁣ ⁣

A photo taken during a certain time of the year. . .⁣

Available for purchase on Art of Where: ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

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